Hello. I am Martha, the owner/artist of The Quilted Jardin.
This business is woven from the generations of my family. The threads of my skill and love of sewing reach back to my mother and beyond to my grandmother, a seamstress in the early 1900’s. Having sewn costumes and traditional quilts for years, I found myself searching for something new and discovered the awe-inspiring world of art quilts.
Landscape, 2006
Working on Olivia the owl, 2022
My journey as a fabric artist has gone from a focus on landscapes to houses and then to animals and pets. Each new venture came about by a customer asking “Do you do fabric pictures of…?” followed by my response “Not yet.”
Part of exhibit at Equinox Village Independent Living Community in Manchester, VT.
I have exhibited my work at various Vermont Welcome Centers, local galleries, stores, and libraries. I can also be found at craft fairs and related community events.
Outside of booth at the Mattoon Street Arts Festival in Springfield, MA.
In my professional life I have worked with youth, children in foster care, and HIV-positive individuals and their families. Having lived in the “boonies” in upstate New York for 37 years, in one fell swoop I sold my house, moved to Vermont, and retired early. My journey’s path now involves, fabric, family, and farm. While I continue to create landscapes in fabric, my artistic focus has shifted to what brings the most creative joy: animal portraits and memorial pieces.
My adult children each have their own business and passion: Evening Song Farm CSA, my son and daughter-in-law’s organic vegetable farm, and Fancy Pants Cakes, my daughter’s cake decorating business. I am fortunate to live close to both of them to help with “grandmother duties.”