It’s that time of year when, as a small business owner, I take stock of how the past year has gone and pull together my thoughts for the upcoming year.
When I retired early in 2016, it was to move to Vermont for family, fabric, and farm. Those 3 F’s, with the additional one of flowers, have guided my decision-making process since then.
Back in January, I chose to not do in-person shows for the second year in a row for family reasons. (Although, to be precise, there were only a handful of shows that actually happened in 2020). Being of my “”certain age” and having a grandchild who is medically vulnerable, I just didn’t want to take that risk.
For the past four years, I have identified goal words as my inspiration. Early this year, I chose:

PROCESS (both the noun and the verb)
Learning how to blog, how to set up and manage an email newsletter, and on-line marketing were all completely new processes in which I immersed myself this year. I finished up the last of the college courses on social media/ marketing (funding for the courses were specifically for Vermont business owners who were affected by COVID).
Keywords, SEO, and product descriptions became part of my life as my daughter and I worked on creating my online store. A grant from the Vermont Arts Council allowed me to hire a consultant for a store/ website review and for studio photography.
Taking photographs of all my work that were clear and color correct and developing a filing system for each of the different sizes/uses was a long, long adventure (my polite way of saying it was challenging). I struggled for months with phone photographs, even with a “make it better” app. Finally the mental logjam broke when we realized that my daughter had a digital camera, her studio lights moved over here, and I hired a local photographer to come to my studio, help set it up properly, and give us a mini-tutorial.

On the artistic side, I practiced painting eyes and noses to the point where I am pleased with the results. Two of my commissions were on the bigger end of the scale and one included a house, something I haven’t done in 9+ years.

Part of any job in life is our mindset towards it. Another significant shift for me was from “I need my daughter to do those technical aspects for me” to “I can do this myself.” And while I am not completely on my own yet, it will happen soon.
Two books in shifting my mindset that were very helpful early on were Amber Rae’s Choose Wonder over Worry and Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.
I have developed solid strategies for those times when my art process stalled. I learned to call the emotions by name, to invite them in, listen to their thoughts, fears, and worries, thank them for their concern, and send them on their way. Imaging became a valuable tool. On a walk with my younger grandson, seeing the frozen creek and hearing the water flowing underneath, I was reminded that there is movement under the surface even when things appear frozen.
This year the Quilted Jardin unveiled:
- This blog
- A monthly newsletter (you can sign up here)
- The on-line store
- New options for eyes and noses for pet portraits and memorials
I also unveiled more of the artist within… just by practicing and giving myself permission to experiment without the pressure of results.
Looking Ahead to 2022
I’m beginning to gather a list of possible goal words like a squirrel gathers nuts.

Striving for that healthy BALANCE between my art and the gardening I do for others is paramount.
It’s time again to STRETCH myself to ACQUIRE new skills: Pinterest as a marketing platform and a different method of fabric collage.
Upgrade the shop, EXPAND offerings for pet portraits and memorials, and SYSTEMATIZE all the processes for a shop listing.

Even as Omicron becomes more established in Vermont, it is with a sense of hope that I am tentatively planning to return to in-person shows in late summer/ fall of 2022. Over the next week, I’ll finish my written review of all aspects of my business in 2021 and finalize my plan for 2022 – Quarter 1.
Happy new year to all, and good luck with your goal setting, whether personal or professional!